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Andrea & Brooklyn's Story

Andrea McDonald is mother to three amazing children who all have special needs. A few years ago, the Department of Education (DOE) continually denied her daughter Brooklyn the right to learn. 

Brooklyn has cerebral palsy and needs specialized equipment to learn at home. The DOE was dragging their feet. 

For months Andrea fought all by herself. All the while her daughter was missing out on an education. “I thought to myself: What happens to my daughter if I give up? Quitting is not an option. Then I met a NYLAG attorney and everything changed,” said Andrea.

What happens to my daughter if I give up? Quitting is not an option.

– ANDREA, former client

The race is not often for the swift, it’s about who can endure to the end . With the help of a NYLAG lawyer, Andrea and Brooklyn got the equipment. 

Now the possibilities are endless. Andrea tells everyone, “That’s my future scientist, that’s my future doctor. My daughter can be anything that she wants to be. That’s why I fight so hard. I don’t want to see my child marginalized by a diagnosis.”

Sadly, we know that there are thousands of parents going through the same struggles that Andrea did to provide the best future for their children. 

That’s why we ask you to donate to NYLAG, because without a lawyer, Brooklyn’s education was not taken seriously. Having a NYLAG lawyer by one’s side keeps everyone on their toes. 

Make sure the future is full of limitless possibilities for families like Andrea and Brooklyn.

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