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Financial Empowerment & Advocacy

During a financial crisis, it can feel like there’s no way out. We can help.

Stagnated wages, ever-changing income and expenses, predatory lenders, increasing living expenses–All of these dynamics harm the financial security of many New Yorkers.

When these financial challenges are present, there is a limited amount of income available to pay bills (i.e. rent, hospital bills, medication expenses, child-care, etc.), put into savings, or to get food on the table. An unexpected expense or a small reduction in income can quickly become a financial crisis. Our financial empowerment services can help.


clients served


saved and/or debt eliminated

Services & Advocacy

NYLAG’s financial counselors & coaches help clients navigate through financial crises and build long-term financial stability. Our counselors can help in the following ways:


  • Work with clients on managing, prioritizing, and paying down debt
  • Help clients create and maintain a budget, establish a savings plan, deal with income and expense volatility, and commit to a goal
  • Establish credit scores and improving credit reports
  • Provide general information on taxes, insurance, and public benefits
  • Deliver workshops and technical assistance to organizations and communities 


  • Identify and educate stakeholders on the systemic and structural obstacles contributing to the financial instability of people experiencing poverty or with low-income
  • Push for changes to the local and federal systems causing harm to these communities

Sign up for free financial resources and tips. 

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Help us provide free financial empowerment & advocacy.

NYLAG is part of the solution to financial crises in communities in New York.

ABLE Act’s 10th Anniversary

NYLAG celebrates the10th anniversary of the Stephen Beck Jr. Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act , ensuring people with disabilities can save and invest without the risk of losing eligibility for resource-limited government benefit programs.

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Empowering Your Spending Choices by Practicing Intentional Spending

Intentional spending means making purchases that truly align with your needs, values, and financial goals. When you practice intentional spending, you prioritize purchases that matter to you and spend less on items that produce buyer’s remorse and/or that make you go over budget. NYLAG Senior Financial Counselor Alma Rojas provide three tips about how to get started.

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