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How to Download, Share, or Sort Data

Beneath each visualization is a Tableau logo with several icons to the right, including:

  • SHARE icon allows you to share a particular view with all selections you made by e-mail, twitter, or FaceBook.
  • DOWNLOAD icon allows you to select your file format to download the data based on the selections you made for the visualization. If you chose Statewide 2018 data, for example, that is what will be downloaded.
    • Image (.png)
    • Data – a chart pops up with the data, with an option to download using CSV
    • Crosstab – another way to download data, using your choice of Excel or CSV
    • PDF
    • PowerPoint
    • Tableau Workbook
  • Full Screen View
  • To Sort the order in which the plans appear in the visualization, in some of the graphs you can hover your mouse over the horizontal axis at the bottom and this icon will appear.  You may need to click on the axis first – the axis will change color and this icon  appears with up and down arrows.   Click on the icon to re-order the plans from high to low or alphabetically. 
  • When you hover your mouse over the horizontal axis, if you click on this icon, a table appears with the data in the visualization based on the selections you made. You can download it as described above. 

Guide to Using the Medicaid Plan Enrollment Table

Data source: NYS DOH Open Health Data – Medicaid Program Enrollment by Month Beginning 2009 

  • This visualization is posted on this webpage with permission of Public Signals LLC, which used this source data to create an interactive visualization that was not part of this project. The 11 tabs of this visualization show month to month changes in NYS Medicaid enrollment generally, along with enrollment in various types of Medicaid managed care plans, including MLTC plans. Tabs also show changes in demographic mix in the various plans by age and race.
  • Because this table was not developed specifically for this Project, much of the data concerns enrollment in “mainstream” Medicaid managed care plans, which, when the data were last updated in August 2022, had nearly 5.54 million members who are mostly children, families, and adults under age 65. While normally members are disenrolled from these plans when they become enrolled in Medicare, most have remained enrolled in these plans because of special protections during the ongoing Public Health Emergency.
  • Economic Regions – User may select one or more of eleven (11) economic regions in NYS, or statewide data. Unfortunately, these regions are not the same as the four (4) regions used for the MMCOR data (see link). No listing of counties in each region is posted on the DOH Open Health Data site, which is the data source.
  • TIP – Plan Type Selector – select one or more of the following four MLTC plan types (see the glossary for definitions)
    • FIDA (this Full Capitation type of MLTC ended 12/31/2019, with remaining members transferred to MAP plans, so data will not appear after that date)
    • MAP – Medicaid Advantage Plus
    • PACE
    • Partial MLTC (SELECT THIS and NOT Partial Cap nor FFS Partial Cap); “Partial MLTC” are the main MLTC plans using “partial capitation.” See glossary.
  • Dual Status and Age – We do not recommend you solely filter the data by Dual status  (Dual Eligible – see Glossary) or by Age, since people with Medicaid-only and people under age 65 are in MLTC plans.  Also, some Dual Eligibles and people age 65+ are in mainstream Medicaid managed care plans – either because they do not have Medicare or because of special rules during the pandemic.  However, once you select the Plan Types suggested above, you can then view age, race, and Dual status among members of the four types of MLTC plans.
  • Month and Year selector – Some of the tabs allow you to select a particular month and year, most recently updated through November 2021.
  • Plan Changes tab – Shows the growth or drop in enrollment over time since 2009 for each plan. Select the four MLTC Plan Types listed above to view their enrollment changes, and you may then view by Economic Region, race/ethnicity, age, and gender.
  • Try out the other tabs!
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