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New York Times: Inside the N.Y.C. Immigration Crackdown That Yielded 39 Arrests

In light of the recent and, thus far, the biggest show of force from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in New York City under the new federal administration, Jodi Ziesemer, Co-Director of the Immigrant Protection Unit at NYLAG, spoke with the New York Times about what advocates are watching for in the weeks and months ahead:

The covert nature of the operation left immigration lawyers trying to figure out on Wednesday who ICE was targeting, how its tactics were shifting under Mr. Trump and whether immigrants without criminal records were also being picked up — a growing concern among activists as Mr. Trump emboldens ICE to go after more people.

“You’re going to exhaust these targets pretty quickly,” said John Sandweg, who served as an acting director of ICE under President Obama. “It’ll be interesting to see who is targeted next. That is a very important question. What population are they going to try to focus on next?”

Jodi Ziesemer, the co-director of the Immigrant Protection Unit at the New York Legal Assistance Group, said her group was particularly interested in whether those arrested were “going into regular ICE custody in detention centers or if they are being rapidly deported expeditiously, or a combination of those two.”

Read the full piece in the New York Times published on Thursday, January 30.

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