For Immediate Release
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(NEW YORK, NY) August 26, 2019: The New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG) has announced Caprice Jenerson as NYLAG’s first-ever Chief Equity & Inclusion Officer. Caprice will also continue to oversee the Pro Bono and Volunteer unit. NYLAG’s President and Attorney-in-Charge, Beth Goldman, has issued the following statement:
“Caprice brings more than two decades of legal experience as a criminal defense trial advocate and appellate litigator, demonstrated effectiveness as a project manager, and thoughtful leadership in strategic planning initiatives. This position is an outgrowth of our strategic plan priorities, which includes a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion at NYLAG. We recognize that a majority of our clients are people of color, and we must continue to improve our practices at NYLAG to best support them, addressing how systemic issues of racism affect them in their pursuit of justice. Caprice is committed to leading us through this hard but necessary work. I am so thrilled she will be taking on this role.”
Founded in 1990, the New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG) is a leading not-for-profit legal services organization advocating for adults, children, and families that are experiencing poverty or have low-income. We address emerging and urgent needs with comprehensive, free civil legal services, direct representation, impact litigation, policy advocacy, financial counseling, a medical-legal partnership model, and community education and partnerships.