Sexual Violence
From immigration to intimate partner violence to worker’s rights, sexual violence is too often part of the story.
Experiencing sexual violence (e.g. rape, forced sexual experiences, sexual abuse as a child, sexual assault in the military, sexual harassment etc.) is often traumatic. A traumatic event may be a shocking, scary, life- threatening, or dangerous experience that affects someone emotionally and physically.
The reaction to trauma—and/or need to escape the danger of sexual violence—can lead to a range of issues that require a lawyer’s help. Civil legal redress can range from an immigrant seeking safety through asylum laws to a veteran needing legal assistance to challenge an “other than honorable” discharge related to sexual trauma they experienced in the military to a worker seeking justice from a sexual assault that happened on the job.
NYLAG was one of the first legal services organization to receive #TimesUp funding to represent workers earning a low wage who were sexually harassed.
Our lawyers stand with all survivors, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, in their pursuit of safety and justice. We continue to grow and evolve in our understanding of trauma and aim to offer trauma-informed legal services to survivors. Here is how our lawyers can help:
- Helping immigrants apply for asylum and petition for immigration relief to protect a survivor of sexual violence
- Assisting survivors with crime victim compensation claims to seek reimbursement for medical and counseling expenses, lost wages, and other costs they incurred as a result of their victimization
- Filing sexual harassment claims to combat discriminatory work environments
- Assisting survivors of sexual trauma in the military get the benefits they deserve and upgrading their discharges if needed
- Working with survivors of intimate partner violence to obtain orders of protection, custody of children, and other remedies through family court in recognition that sexual violence is often a tactic used by abusers against their partners
Need free legal services or financial counseling?
Help us provide free legal services to survivors of sexual violence.
NYLAG protects and advances the rights of New Yorkers.

Know your rights: How to protect yourself in encounters with ICE
This video provides information about your rights when dealing with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Conozca sus derechos: Cómo protegerse en encuentros con el ICE
Este video proporciona información importante sobre los derechos que tienes si te enfrentas a la presencia del ICE.

Brick Underground: What undocumented tenants and apartment hunters should know about their rights in NYC
NYLAG Tenants’ Rights Unit Senior Supervising Attorney Allison Yurick spoke with Brick Underground about undocumented immigrants’ rights as tenants in NYC.