

VA Study Shows Legal Services Improve Health

A new study published in the December issue of Health Affairs found that veterans have better physical and mental health when they have access to a lawyer who can advise them on civil legal problems like disputes with landlords, which contribute to homelessness. The study included NYLAG clients and attorneys. The study was authored by […]

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U.S. to help remove debt burden for students defrauded by for-profit chain

Nearly 25 years after a nationwide chain of beauty and secretarial schools was closed for defrauding students, the Department of Education has agreed to help victims wipe clean their burdensome federal student loan debts in a case brought by NYLAG.

U.S. to help remove debt burden for students defrauded by for-profit chain Read More »

Video: Preserving Homes and Changing Lives

Meet three remarkable people…people who worked hard, paid their bills, cared for their children, and in two cases, served their country — only to be faced with the devastating possibility of losing their homes. Their stories have happy endings because they had a smart and dedicated NYLAG lawyer by their side.

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Video: Without a lawyer, justice is often denied

Meet five remarkable people whose lives were transformed by their NYLAG attorneys. Through their stories we celebrate the tenacity, courage, and strength of the over 88,000 clients NYLAG serves every year.

Video: Without a lawyer, justice is often denied Read More »

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