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They never made me feel marginalized. They always made me feel like a person. Thank you NYLAG.

Cy Pres Awards

When the funds of a class action settlement are unclaimed or impractical to distribute, the courts may elect for funds to be allocated to appropriate charitable organizations whose work advances the interests of those impacted by the lawsuit. The New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG) has been the recipient of thousands of dollars in residual funds from class action settlements and welcomes nominations to support our life changing work.

Connection to Many Classes

Cy pres awards can fund comprehensive, civil legal services for New Yorkers in need. NYLAG’s advocates offer free civil legal services in a wide range of issue areas including consumer protection, employment law, disability, immigration, homelessness, veteran’s issues, public benefits, tenants’ rights, and more. Because NYLAG works to increase access to justice across multiple issue areas, we have a nexus to most types of class action cases.

How We Use Cy Pres Funds

NYLAG’s core goal is to effect systemic change for social, racial, and economic justice. Through direct representation, we protect and advance the rights of New Yorkers facing legal challenges that threaten their stability and safety. We also work to identify and address systemic issues that have an impact beyond an individual case. We push for changes in laws and regulations, for government reform, and for more equitable court practices.

NYLAG’s work impacts the lives of over 113,000 New Yorkers each year, and also expands justice beyond New York. Our class action lawsuits have national impact, and our immigration work touches the lives of children and adults from around the globe.

Recommend NYLAG for a Cy Pres Award

For more information on NYLAG’s work or questions about a cy pres nomination, please contact Nichole Guerra, Director of Philanthropic Partnerships at nguerra@nylag.org.

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