

Helping families in conflict make informed decisions together with the help of a mediator.

Mediation as an alternative to prolonged and potentially contentious litigation has long been accessible to wealthy couples seeking to solve family conflicts. NYLAG brings free mediation to people with limited financial resources. We believe that mediation works best when parties make decisions knowing their rights and obligations.

NYLAG pairs every party to mediation with a pro bono attorney who gives advice and reviews the agreement before the parties sign. At the close of a successful mediation, the parties have a signed agreement, which NYLAG can then file with the court to become an enforceable judgment.

Divorce Mediation: Frequently Asked Questions

How does mediation work?  

If you are seeking a divorce or an agreement with your spouse on child support, custody or division of marital debts and assets, you can participate in mediation instead of going to court. Mediation is a faster and cheaper option and studies have found that many people are more satisfied with the results than going to court.  

During the process of mediation, a mediator helps you design an agreement between you and your spouse. Mediation sessions take place via video call (Zoom).  

In the case of divorce, the mediator will file the agreement in court to become a divorce judgment and you will not have to appear before a judge. In cases of parenting time or child support between unmarried parents, you will need to file a petition in Family Court to ask a judge to make the agreement into a court order.   

How will I know if the agreement is in my best interest? 

An important part of your mediator’s role is ensuring that both you and your spouse are satisfied with the agreement. In addition to your mediators, NYLAG will pair each of you with a free consulting attorney will advise you of your rights and obligations and review your agreement before you sign it.

What types of cases does NYLAG mediate? 

  •  Divorces, including the division of debts and property
  •  Parenting agreements, such as custody and visitation
  •  Child and spousal support

How do I know if I qualify for mediation?  

NYLAG provides free mediation services to people with limited financial resources.  

To determine if you are eligible, we will look at the incomes of both you and your spouse, as well as your assets, debts, and other factors, such as the number of children you have.  

Mediation is not appropriate if domestic violence, drug/alcohol addiction, or child abuse/neglect occurred during your relationship.   

What happens if my spouse and I do not reach an agreement? 

Going to court is always an option. What was said in mediation is confidential and may not be used in court. 

Please click here or call 212-613-5000 any Tuesday between 9am and 3pm and leave a message saying you are interested in divorce mediation for a case where there was no domestic violence. 

Preguntas Frecuentes Sobre Proyectos de Mediación

¿Cómo funciona la mediación? 

Durante el proceso de mediación, un mediador les ayudará a encontrar un acuerdo entre usted y su esposo/a.  Las reuniones de mediación se hacen a través de videoconferencia (Zoom). Si tienen un “smartphone”, pueden participar en mediación. 

El mediador presentará su acuerdo firmado ante la corte para que un juez firme la orden de divorcio y no tendrán que comparecer ante un juez.  

En  casos de custodia o manutención de hijos con padres solteros, uno de los padres deberá presentar una petición al Tribunal de Familia para pedirle a un juez una orden de custodia.  Al final del proceso, tendrán una orden  como si un juez hubiera tomado las decisiones, pero son ustedes los que habrán tomado las decisiones. 

¿Cómo sabré si el acuerdo es lo mejor para mí? 

NYLAG conectará a cada una de las partes con un abogado gratuito que les informará sobre sus derechos y obligaciones y revisará su acuerdo antes de que lo firmen. 

¿NYLAG hace mediación en qué tipos de casos? 

  • Divorcios, incluyendo la división de deudas y bienes. 
  • Custodia yvisitaciónes. 
  • Manutención de los hijos y del esposo/a. 

¿Cómo sé si califico para la mediación? 

NYLAG brinda servicios de mediación gratuitos a personas con recursos financieros limitados. Para determinar si es elegible, le preguntaremos a ambas partes sobre sus ingresos y deudas, y sobre otros factores, como cuántos hijos tienen. 

No mediamos si ha ocurrido violencia doméstica, si hay adicción a drogas/alcohol o abuso/negligencia infantil. 

¿Qué pasa si no llegamos a una resolución? 

Ir a la corte es siempre una opción. Lo que se dijo en la mediación es confidencial y no se puede usar en la corte. 

Por favor clique acqui o llame al 212-613-5000 cualquier martes entre las 9 de la mañana y las 3 de la tarde si está interesado/a en una mediación de su divorcio si no ha habido violencia doméstica.  


of couples who have mediated divorces and family cases with NYLAG reached an agreement in 2023


We mediate the following issues:

  • Divorce, including division of marital property and debts
  • Custody and visitation of children
  • Child and spousal support terms
  • Conflicts between people who are not married, but have children in common

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