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NYLAG Responds to the Trump Administration Suspending Immigration

For Immediate Release  
Contact: bpacheco@nylag.org | c: 917.771.9845

(NEW YORK, NY) April 20, 2020: In response to President Trump’s tweet on temporarily suspending immigration via executive order, Jodi Ziesemer Esq., NYLAG’s Director of Immigrant Protection criticizes this new order. 

“Immigrants are a huge part of the frontline and essential workers saving us during this pandemic. The President’s tweet scapegoats the immigrant community once again for political gain. This administration’s continuous xenophobia rhetoric and policy-making is a true indicator of this administration’s anti-immigrant values at any means necessary. It’s also a real distraction from the crisis at hand. If anything, the President should focus on creating pathways to citizenship for the many immigrants who are saving our lives and ensuring our communities continue to function.

“Suspending immigration as President Trump describes is also almost certainly illegal as the Constitution explicitly gives the power to regulate immigration to Congress.”


Founded in 1990, the New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG) is a leading not-for-profit civil legal services organization advocating for adults, children, and families that are experiencing poverty or have low income. We tackle the legal challenges and systematic barriers that threaten our clients’ economic stability, well-being, and safety. We are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion and constantly improving how we respond to systemic issues of racism that affect our clients in their pursuit of justice. We address emerging and urgent needs with comprehensive, free civil legal services, direct representation, impact litigation, policy advocacy, financial counseling, medical-legal partnerships, and community education and partnerships. Last year, we affected the lives of 90,800 people. 


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